carrd template by paletterph.

* Vivienne.

Follow me, come and get illusion. Swallow it at once delicious. Irresistible bait, hook up. Feeding on attention and growing up

# RP Carrd for Vivienne Fatale. established in twenty twenty-three; and penned with care by Bullet. I appreciate your interest in my character! content warnings apply, minors DNI.


Character explores dark themes which include descriptions of physical abuse, religious trauma, suicidal thoughts, and addiction. Please keep that in mind before engaging with related materials.

please read⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.



Crystal | Mateus | PST


Vivienne maintains an aloof persona when first getting to know someone. the truth of her personality is well guarded behind her manicured facade. Every word she speaks is chosen well in advance, every move she makes a part of a choreographed dance. It takes time for Vivienne to consciously let someone in, even if she wants to.


Like a prized house cat, Vivienne puts a clear amount of effort into appearances. One could swear that her hair is eternally immaculate, with never a strand out of place, for all the work she puts in to making sure it is never seen otherwise. Her attire is likewise well kept, always tailored to perfection and made to accentuate her figure.


No one is perfect. As hard as Vivienne might try to pretend otherwise, her own facade cannot account for the unexpected. When presented with the unknown, Vivienne's mask easily begins to slip, revealing the shy, sheltered, and flawed person underneath. much to her eternal dismay, vivienne /is/ a fallible person. a normal person. a girlfailure.


here's the thing. she named herself 'Vivienne Fatale'. it's no secret that this woman is trying to be cool, and the effectiveness of this is going to vary between individuals. if your character would do so, have them call her out on the unseriousness of her moniker. she's too sheltered to understand that people can clearly tell her choice of name was ripped from a novel.

#character study.


Two omens collide in my open hand Making me a viewer. I am what I have seen. Your hands on my hips speak friendly to me. Is this as far as you can take me?

full name vivienne fatale.
years old 28.
birthday September 8th.
gender female.
pronouns she/her.
orientation bisexual.
species miqo'te.
star sign virgo.
birthplace unknown.
residence ul'dah.
class/job WHM/WAR.
languages eorzean, hingan.

I never wanted this responsibility. all I ever wanted was my freedom. to do what I please - your agenda be damned.

#* *personality.

To those she is unfamiliar with, Vivienne is a distant, guarded, and often outright cold individual. She cares little for anyone outside of her established circles, making the task of befriending her a difficult challenge for those that may try. Succeed, however, and you will find no more fiercely loyal a companion. To those she loves and trusts, Vivienne could be described like a dotting older sister. An overbearing one, even, some have claimed. She will defend you against all that seeks to cause you harm - or whatever it is she perceives might cause you harm. To varying degrees of success and annoyance.Beneath her hardened exterior rests a gentle, sensitive soul. Though she may walk with the confidence of a well seasoned warrior, the truth of the matter is that she has perfected the aesthetics of strength as a means of protecting herself. However, don't think that this means Vivienne lacks for combat prowess. Much the opposite - Vivienne is more than capable in a fight, acting as a reliable front liner in most encounters, especially in ones where those she cares about are at risk.

height 5'11".
weight 124 lbs.
build hourglass figure.
complexion fair.
hair length long.
hair color blonde, ends dyed red.
eye color yellow.
scarring stab wound near left hip.
modifications none.
other features beauty mark on right breast.
scent citrus and spice.
clothing style form fitting with exposed clavicle and shoulders.

#* *history.

Vivienne was born and raised within an isolated cloister deep within the snow capped mountains of northern Aldenard. This cloister was home to a group of conjurers who, for centuries, all worked together in such severe conditions to achieve the same goal; to keep the land they occupied until they found someone worthy of their best kept secret.Deep beneath the cloister's brick and stone was a sacred chamber devoted to housing a soul crystal, one which contained the memories of a once supremely powerful White Mage. The brothers and sisters of this cloister hoped that, one day, they may come to find someone worthy of acting as the White Mage's successor. To their delight, that day occurred when a young Vivienne had been made to stand judgement before the crystal's glow. While other children before her had been irreparably maimed, or even killed, by the unfeeling judgement of the crystal's power, Vivienne had not only emerged from the trial unharmed, but also enlightened.From that day forward, Vivienne's life as an independent was forfeit. She was now set to be groomed into the greatest among her people, a woman worthy of being the wielder of a divine right. The heaven-sent beckon to guide her brothers and sisters into a new era of prosperity. Her people assisted her in interpreting the teachings of the soul crystal. In time, she learned much of what the crystal had to offer her, becoming an adept user of white magic by the time she entered her adulthood. Yet, emotionally, she was stifled.To Vivienne, her 'divine right' was nothing more than a burden. She was well aware of all those that had been harmed or killed in the test to see who was worthy of this power, and she waded through their blood with each step she took in the name of 'progress'. Her people cared not for the lives of those lost, or forever changed by their actions. Nor did they care for what Vivienne had to say about her own situation.It was a long time coming, the day that Vivienne had enough of the cloister's righteousness. On a day where her brother's and sister's were set to pray, Vivienne made her break, vanishing into the mouth of a fearsome blizzard.( Further details of these events are better learned IC! )

this must be it. long for bliss. first it was quiet. now I know I'm not alone in here.

powers and abilities.

Jealous Cleave Vivienne swings her axe at foes in front of her (up to 3) for moderate damage. For each enemy struck, Vivienne gains a stack of 'Jealousy'. For each stack of Jealousy Vivienne has, Jealous Cleave's damage increases. At maximum stacks (3), Jealous Cleave does significant damage.Divine Benison Vivienne utilizes white magic to encase herself in a dense, shimmering barrier. While protected, she will passively regenerate health and mitigate a significant amount of damage taken. This barrier's strength is determined by how many stacks of Jealousy she has when using this ability. Requires at least 1 stack of Jealousy to use. Expends all stacks of Jealousy upon use. Gain Blood Lily charges equal to the number of Jealousy stacks consumed (up to 10).Afflatus Rampage Requires 5 Blood Lily charges to use. Vivienne engages her latent potential and channels it into a keen assault on a singular foe. Foe takes life threatening damage, and all nearby enemies take up to half of the damage dealt to Vivienne's primary target.















oh, looks like we're alone now you ain't gotta be scared I'ma hit defrost on ya, lets get it blazing. we can turn the heat up if you wanna. turn the lights down low if you wanna.


@BulletFFXIV twitter

Feel free to DM me on Twitter or in game if you'd like to set up potential RP. Most themes welcome, just ask if you're unsure. Please do not message me if you are a minor, make/participate in lewd lalafell content, use transphobic (tr*p/f*ta) or racist slurs, and/or your only interest in ERP. I like ERP, but I also love story!